49s Teatime Results ➔ 2019-08-14

These are the interesting facts about the 49s Teatime results drawn on Wed, August 14th, 2019.

Information regarding the statistical data can be found on the home page.

49s Teatime quick picks can be generated by clicking on the button below.

49s Teatime Quick Pick

2019-08-14 Teatime

178 43 37 2 4 1 19

Interesting about these 49s Teatime Teatime results

➔ A closer look reveals that numbers 23, 35, 36 are all neighbors of the previously drawn numbers. 1 of them also repeating numbers.
➔ On the same day, at least 4 of these numbers have also been present in the following lotto results:
4 nrs. in the Wisconsin (WI) Megabucks results ➔ 23, 39, 41, 43