49s Teatime Results ➔ Quick Pick

The 49s Teatime Quick Pick is available at LottoMatic.live

2024-04-16 Teatime

140 41 35 2 4 3 14

2024-04-15 Teatime

138 30 44 2 4 1 20

2024-04-14 Teatime

204 51 43 4 2 1 19

2024-04-13 Teatime

196 43 37 4 2 2 25

2024-04-12 Teatime

141 42 44 1 5 5 13

2024-04-11 Teatime

132 33 42 2 4 3 19

2024-04-10 Teatime

133 43 29 5 1 2 9

2024-04-09 Teatime

197 53 41 3 3 2 18

2024-04-08 Teatime

102 30 34 2 4 1 17

2024-04-07 Teatime

166 40 21 4 2 1 7
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The small arrow at the top of each number represents the trend of that particular 49s Teatime number in relation to the previous draw.
A red arrow pointing upwards () means that the number is higher than the corresponding number in the previous draw while the blue arrow pointing downwards () shows that the number is lower than the previous corresponding number.
The green reload arrows icon () represents a repeating 49s Teatime number.

Under each set of 49s Teatime results you can see the brief statistics for those particular results.
Next to every statistical value there is an up, down or reload icon. They represent the trend of the certain statistical value in relation to those from the previous results.

Statistics values meaning (left to right)

  1. SUM of the numbers
  2. SUM of the digits that make up the numbers
  3. Range of numbers
  4. Evens
  5. Odds
  6. Smallest difference between any two adjacent numbers
  7. Greatest difference between any two adjacent numbers